Welcome and Namaste!
As the oldest yoga studio in Chicago suburbs, we strive to provide an authentic yoga experience. Our services cover a variety of holistic healing options including Yoga, Ayurveda and Aromatherapy. Whether you are attending one of our weekly classes, participating in a workshops or receiving a private yoga session we make sure your experience is rewarding. We believe in empowering you through knowledge. Our classes are small and modifications are often offered for yoga asanas to enhance your experience.
Students must sign up on line at least 6 hours in advance. If you are having trouble signing please text, email or call. To enjoy full benefit of class make sure that you have a big monitor and you can operate the audio and video on your screen. Most teachers like to use props. So, be prepared with the following: one yoga mat, two blankets, one bolster, two blocks, one neck pillow, one long strap and a chair.
Enjoy a wonderful class!:)
Phone/ Text: 630-416-7526 Email: universalspirityoga@gmail.com
Note: Let us know if you need any props, essential oils or any other yoga or ayurveda product.